(Located on the 2nd Floor of Sunflower Outdoor & Bike Shop – FREE 2 Hour Parking Lot in Rear)
We are excited to announce that we are revamping our payment options to support you in creating the perfect weekly movement ritual for your life and budget.
Why are we doing this?
To reduce the amount of money leaving the community in payment processing fees, which will help us keep mindful movement practices as affordable as possible in a time where wages have not kept up with inflation for students and teachers alike.
Are prices increasing?
Our new pay scale will provide an opportunity to pay less per class than any of our class cards currently allow.
How will this work?
Starting January 1, 2025, you will be able to sign up for class online, but you will pay the teacher directly for the class when you arrive using a QR code or with cash. Once you have the teacher's payment link saved, you can pay ahead of time noting which class the payment should be applied to.
You can pay what works for you with our $10-$20/class sliding scale. Teachers can process a credit card for $20.
You can pay what works for you with our $10-$20/class sliding scale. Teachers can process a credit card for $20.
Will the teachers be offended by minimum payments of $10?
No. We chose this minimum because it works for us.
Is it okay to pay more than $20 for a class?
Yes. Your gratitude for the teachers and generosity towards the community is always welcome and appreciated.
Massage & Somatics
Somatics is a field within the bodywork and movement professions that emphasizes healing through internal physical perception and experience. Somatic practitioners facilitate awareness-based embodiment processes for clients, through a blend of touch, breathwork, movement, sound, and dialogue. A major goal of somatics is to bridge the mind-body divide, facilitating deeper neural connections and amplifying the innate healing potential of the body and being. Life moving towards life.